The Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW is continuing to bring the NSW services' concerns to the NSW Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning as well as the NSW Department of Education regarding their conduct of assessment and ratings.

Did a NSW assessor say that

Already, when 57.1% of services assessed during 1 February 2018 to 31 January 2019 were downgraded from Exceeding to Meeting or Working Towards, and when almost 46% of all services across Australia are based in New South Wales, it is, therefore, concerning when ACA NSW also keeps hearing from services that NSW assessment officers turn up to services for assessment and rating and upon arrival say unhelpful and unprofessional things like "Don't expect to get the same rating."

It is unhelpful and unprofessional primarily because the NSW assessor only just arrived is effectively already making a conclusion before the conclusion of the assessment and rating.

If this is your experience too, ACA NSW would like you to provide your feedback (anonymously) in this survey so that we can try and fix this.

Create your own user feedback survey