
What is ANZAC Day?

ANZAC Day is a special day for all Australians, both young and not so young. On this day, teaching our children wherever possible of our nation's history, the significance of the ANZAC spirit, the sacrifices of our forebears, the freedoms we now enjoy, are incredibly important, arguably more now than ever before. 


The Australian Childcare Alliance NSW pays tribute to all our men and women in uniform.

We will remember them. Lest We Forget.

When is ANZAC Day?

Tuesday, 25 April


  • Having a minute of silence.
  • Invite children to participate in making ANZAC buscuits (Click here for ANZAC Biscuit Recipe)
  • Plant a Plant a Rosemary bush.
  • Group discussion on the importance of this day and how greateful we are for the sacrifice of the soldiers.
  • Display visuals of how the soliders dressed, lived and foods they ate. 
  • ANZAC Day craft: Invite children to make ANZAC poppies and display them around the centre.