Guild Insurance
Guild Early Learning


RNL-01 What is the required Indoor and Outdoor encumbered square metre? 
RNL-02 What are the requirements for fencing? 
RNL-03 Can I employ an employee working towards a qualification under the age of 18? 
RNL-04  Does an employee under the age of 18 years require a Working With Children's Check (WWCC)? 
RNL-05 What are the requirements regarding a trainee under the age of 18?
RNL-06 Do educators need to be covered when on meal breaks, rest pauses and programming time? 
RNL-07 How many diploma qualified educators need to be rostered on?
RNL-08 Is there a regulation that requires two staff members on opening shift and two staff memebrs on closing shfits?
RNL-09 Does my educational leader need to be an ECT? 
RNL-10 Who can be appointed as a responsible person/ nominated supervisor?
RNL-11 In the case of an emergency, should the attendance records be a hard copy or an electronic copy?
RNL-12 What would the Federal Government consider potentially illegal inducements, offers and/or advertising to families?
RNL-13 Where can I find more information on notification types and timegrames to notify the regulatory authority?
RNL-14 What are the fees that are indexed annually to regulatory authorities? 
RNL-15 Do families still need to cover child care costs while overseas for the service to access CCS benefits?
RNL-16 Who is required to complete approved Child Protection Training?
RNL-17 What do the regulations say about First Aid Kits?
RNL-18 Can individuals under 18 year sold be a volunteer in a child care centre?
RNL-19 Who are the persons with management or control (PMC)?
RNL-20 How do I notify of changes in persons with management or control?
RNL-21 If my National Law Provider application is approved in NSW, is it also approved in other states or territories?
  Workplace Instrument
WRP-01 What is a workplace instrument? 
WRP-02 What is an eligible workplace instrument for the purposes of complying with the grant guidelines?
WRP-03 For a service that just uses the award, is the award their workplace instrument?
WRP-04 If we use an Enterprise Agreement (EA), does it need to be approved by the FWC?
WRP-05 Are there any support mechanisms for signing up to Enterprise Agreements (EAs)?
WRP-06 If a service is currently under an Enterprise Agreement (EA), would they be excluded from applying until their EA is terminated and employees are then contracted under modern awards?
WRP-07 If the workplace instrument is dated December 2, but the grant is not approved until after that date, do you need to pay the higher wages?
WRP-08 If we employ staff under an employment contract, does this qualify as an approved employment instrument for the purpose of receiving the worker retention payment?
WRP-09 What is an Individual Flexible Agreement (IFA)?
WRP-10 Will the ACA be preparing an IFA for its members to use? If so, when can we expect to see it?
  Eligibility - Employees and Providers 
WRP-11 Who is deemed to be an eligible worker?
WRP-12 Who is not eligible?
WRP-13 Does the Worker Retention Payment grant funding include casual staff?
WRP-14 Do contractors qualify if employed by a related party and employed under the Children’s Services Award / Teachers Award
WRP-15 How does a service provider opt in to the Worker Retention Grant?
WRP-16 How are the grants allocated?
WRP-17 When will the information about reporting requirements be made available?
WRP-18 When filling out historical leave amounts in the application, can we include other leave types that we provide for staff? Eg. Our centre gives 2 weeks special leave per year to employees which is accrued on a continuous basis and paid out at termination if unused.
WRP-19 I have 4 services under 3 providers, will I need to submit an application for each provider / legal entity?
WRP-20 What happens after two years?
  Funding Formula
WRP-21 So, how is the payment amount calculated?
WRP-22 When will the grant funding methodology be released?
WRP-23 Will consideration be given to number of Diploma-qualified staff or degree - qualified Early Childhood Teachers?
WRP-24 Is there an actual formula and/or a practical example of how this grant funding will be calculated?
WRP-25 What oncosts are included in the Worker Retention Payment?
WRP-26 If occupancy drops in January/February, will the payment decrease because usual staff numbers may not be required in ratio? What if you close your service over the Christmas period? Would you still receive the grant money for those 2 weeks of closure?
WRP-27 What would happen if your current occupancy is only 45%, then over next 6 months, your occupancy goes up to 90%? This change obviously has a huge impact on wages - would the retention payment be based on the increased wages?
WRP-28 Does that mean children who are not eligible for CCS (e.g. non-residents) will not be captured in this calculation?
WRP-29 What does a provider need to do to be eligible for the first payment in December 2024?
WRP-30 Are payments being made in arrears or in advance?
  Above Award Payments
WRP-31 What if I already pay above the award rate?
WRP-32 Can I absorb my existing above award rates?
WRP-33 If we pay our staff currently 10% above the award, what will the government pay for those employees under the grant?
WRP-34 If a staff member is on 6% above award and then changes their role/ pay rate does the Company need to maintain the 16% above award for the new rate, or will a change to 10% above remain compliant?
  Fee Constraint
WRP-35 What does the fee growth limitation apply to?
WRP-36 When we find out about the fee increase allowed for the next year?
WRP-37 Fee increase. What determines non-serviceability and therefore be able to increase more than the capped amount?
WRP-38 Is there a limitation on when the fees can be increased within the 12 month identified in the guidelines?
WRP-39 What if you notified parents of the fee increase in July, but because of notice it did not take effect until later in August?
WRP-40 If we don’t register, but pay our staff the increase, are we still able to increase our fees above 4.4% to cover the increased wage costs?
WRP-41 A 4.4% increase does not work out as a round number for fees. Can we round up to the nearest dollar?
  Transfer of Provider
WRP-42 What provisions are in place for centres transferring providers during the term of this funding, particularly Dec and Jan transfers?


  November 2024 Updates
WRP-43 What is the ECECWRP?
WRP-44 Is this mandatory for my employer?
WRP-45 What must employers do to qualify for the grant?
WRP-46 Why might an employer not apply?

What is an IFA?

WRP-48 What is an MEA?
WRP-49 What is a Single Enterprise Agreement?
WRP-50 How is the MEA different from the IFA?
WRP-51 How will the pay increase affect me?
WRP-52 Will the pay increase be immediate?
WRP-53 Why is this process taking time?
WRP-54 What's the next?

Where can I get more information?