ACA NSW Inner Circles brings together sector leaders as well as representatives from governments and regulators to discuss the issues and challenges facing the early childhood education and care sector.
Under Chatham House Rules, ACA NSW Inner Circles provide a unique forum where robust discussions are conducted for the benefit of both Approved Providers, governments and regulators.
ACA NSW hosts two (2) Inner Circle events each year.
Monday, 28 April 2025
Presenters/speakers are:
Topics to be canvassed:
an update on the Worker Retention Payment funding
anticipating the Gender Undervaluation case
3-day guarantee of Child Care Subsidies
what could Child Care Subsidies (next version) look like
what could Universal Childcare actually mean
what could NSW's independent review of Quality Rating & breaches cover
Doors open from 5.30 pm for a 6.30 pm start (and finishing at 9.30 pm)
Buffet dinner and drinks included
At Club Parramatta, 2 Macquarie Street, Parramatta (Sydney)
Ticket price: $85 inc GST per person (for ACA NSW members), $135 inc GST per person (for non-members)
ACA NSW's Inner Circles' objective is to bring together sector leaders (eg from the government/regulatory authorities) and early childhood education and care services' Approved Providers, Educational Leaders, Nominated Supervisors and other senior staff.
Inner Circles also enable services to network with and be supported by each other, regulatory representatives, as well as suppliers' representatives.
Suppliers/sponsors interested in participating can contact ACA NSW's Relationships & Member Success Officer.
For any further information/clarification, please contact ACA NSW via 1300 556 330 or