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Australian Childcare Alliance

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The Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW is proud to provide the following for its Member Classic and Member Plus Members:

 Member Classic  

47 Regulation 168 Policies 

  • Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations Policy
  • Arrival and Departure of Children Policy 
  • Caring for Babies Policy
  • Child and Youth Risk Management Policy
  • Child Protection and Child Safe Policy
  • Clothing and Comfort Policy
  • Code of Conduct Policy
  • Collaborative Partnerships with Families and Communities Policy
  • Confidentiality and Privacy Policy
  • Cyber Bullying Policy
  • Dangerous Products Policy
  • Emergency & Evacuations Policy 
  • Enrolment and Orientation Policy
  • Excursion Policy
  • Fees and Attendance Policy
  • First Aid Policy
  • Fit for Work Policy
  • Food Safety Policy
  • Governance and Service Management Policy
  • Grievance Resolution Policy
  • Handwashing Policy
  • Health and Hygiene Policy
  • Healthy Eating and Mealtimes Policy 
  • Immunisation Policy
  • Incident, Injury, Trauma & Illness Policy
  • Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Policy
  • Infectious Diseases Policy 
  • Interactions with Children Policy
  • Medical Conditions Policy 
  • Medication Policy
  • Nappy Change and Toileting Policy
  • Policy Development and Review Policy
  • Positive Behaviour Guidance Policy
  • Professional Development and Study Progression Policy
  • Providing Safe Environments Policy
  • Record Keeping Policy
  • Recruitment, Selection and Employment Policy
  • Service Philosophy Policy
  • Severe Weather Policy
  • Sleep and Rest Policy
  • Students, Volunteers and Visitors Policy
  • Sun Protection Policy 
  • Supervision Policy
  • Supporting Children’s Individual Needs Policy
  • Tobacco, Drug and Alcohol-Free Environments Policy
  • Transportation Policy
  • Water Safety Policy
 Member Plus   

Regulation 168 Policies as well as:

  • 21 Additional Members Plus Policies
  • 107 Additional Forms (Templates, Checklists) 
  • 11 Role Accountability Forms


ACA NSW Member Classic and Member Plus Members can access the above policies and templates via the Members area using your ACA NSW Login details.