Guild Insurance
Guild Early Learning

As the peak body of NSW's early childhood education and care sector, the Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW welcomes new entrants and those interested in joining our ever-growing early childhood education and care (aka childcare) sector!

Our New Entrants Evenings bring together sector leaders and experts to provide participants to have invaluable insights into the sector, its opportunities, the challenges as well as individuals as well as organisations that can assist and support your journey.

For this first New Entrants Evening of 2025, PriceWaterhouseCoopers and ACA NSW invites you to participate:

  • on Thursday, 13 March 2025
  • at PwC Australia, One International Towers, Watermans Quay, Barangaroo (Sydney CBD) 
  • from 5.30 pm for 6.30 pm start
    • at 6.30 pm - A welcome by PwC and a presentation on effective tax and commercial business structures
    • at 6.50 pm - A presentation by ACA NSW President (Lyn Connolly) to provide sector insights and its future, including the Approved Providers approval process
    • at 7.10 pm - An interactive panel discussion & Q&A (as well as introducing our suppliers)
    • at 7.30 pm - Networking till 8.30 pm (including attending suppliers to the sector)
  • COST is $40.00* per person (inc GST) (mainly to cover hospitality)
  • Drinks and a light dinner will be provided.

* NOTE: The ticket price can be credited towards the ACA NSW membership fee
upon becoming a member of ACA NSW. Attendees present will also receive
a 45% discount off our video training for the Approved Providers test.

Important information on the day



The closest parking can be found at the following locations:

  • Wilson Parking - 201 – 207 Kent Street Car Park (Entry on 8 - 20 Napoleon St)
  • Secure Parking - King Street Wharf - 1 Shelley St
  • Wilson Parking - 321 Kent St Car Park
  • Secure Parking - 204 Kent Street, Sydney Car Park

Alternatively, attendees can catch a train to Wynyard Station or take the metro to Barangaroo Station.

The venue is located in Tower 1, with Level 17 being the reception floor. Attendees can come to this floor and will then be redirected to the room.

Our presenters and leaders will discuss:

  • Where are the upcoming opportunities and challenges (including oversupply vs undersupply)?
  • What could the new directions be of the Federal & NSW Governments, including:
    1. the Commonwealth's $3.6 billion Worker Retention Payment grants to pay for increasing educators/teachers' pay by 10-15%
    2. the 100+50 new/upgraded preschools on school grounds by 2027
    3. the $5.7b Childcare and Economic Opportunity Fund (to financially support new services in uneconomic areas)
    4. what could universal childcare look like after the Federal Election
  • What are the most efficient tax and legal business structures to use?
  • What are the future possible funding arrangements?
  • How to navigate the building sector, planning laws and local governments?
  • ... and many more!
banner 1x1 Lyn Connolly Lyn Connolly is President of ACA NSW and is herself an Approved Provider operating nine (9) early childhood education and care services for over 40 years. She is also the elected President of ACA NSW, the peak body for over 1,600 predominantly small-to-medium sized family-owned early childhood education and care services who employ over 25,000 employees and who educate and care for more than 125,000 children and their families. ACA and ACA NSW engage with all three tiers of governments and their agencies (including their Departments of Education, their Treasuries, PlanningNSW, NSW Department of Health, their Productivity Commissions, the ACCC and more.)

banner 1x1 Tamara Brown
Tamara Brown is a Partner in PwC’s Private Clients practice with 20 years of experience working with privately-owned groups to help them grow and realise value. In recent years, Tamara has led the firm’s childcare practice - presenting at many key child care seminars with respect to strategy, growth and benchmarking as well personally acting for a number of childcare groups across Australia.


banner 1x1 Chris Chaing


Chris Chaing is a Director in PwC’s Private Clients practice with over 12 years experience in providing business and tax advisory services to privately owned businesses, their owners and their family. This includes business structuring, tax due diligence, tax consulting, business advisory, tax controversy and tax compliance. Chris has experience working with large multi-centre child care groups, through to single centre Approved Providers, assisting with their structuring, tax planning and tax compliance.

Have a peek into what happened at previous New Entrance Evenings!