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Australian Childcare Alliance


As an important part of our policy and advocacy activities, ACA NSW, as well as our national body ACA, regularly prepares and lodges submissions to government on behalf of our members.  With early childhood education and care continuing to be the subject of multiple reviews and inquiries, we are sure there will be more submissions to come!  Our recent submissions, as well as those from our national body, are listed below.



17 Nov 2023 - Submission to NSW IPART's Review on ECEC Affordability, Accessibility and Consumer Choice

3 Oct 2023 - Submission to NSW IPART's Independent Market Monitoring Review

11 Aug 2023 - Submission for the NSW Budget 2023-2024

August 2023 - ACA National Mid Year Economic Fiscal Outlook Submission 

10 Aug 2023 - Proposed "low hanging" reforms for NSW's ECEC sector

13 Jun 2023 - ACA National Committee's Submission: NQF Staffing and Qualifications 

2 Jun 2023 - ACA National Committee's Submission to the Productivity Commission's Inquiry into Early Childhood Education and Care

31 May 2023 - Submission to the NSW IPART Review of Early Childhood Education and Care Affordability, Accessibility and Consumer Choice 

10 Jan 2023 - Submission to the NSW Government's Draft Terms of Reference for the IPART Review of NSW Early Childhood Education and Care Affordability, Accessibility and Consumer Choice



8 Mar 2022 - Boosting Women's Economic Opportunities Submission

31 Aug 2022 - Addressing the nation-wide critical shortage of early childhood educators

1 Sep 2022 - Request to increase flexibilities for waivers to alleviate severe labour shortages of NSW's educators & teachers



11 Aug 2021 - Submission to NSW & Federal Governments - More Support Required

11 Mar 2021 - A State of Possibilities - Volume 1: Immediate Solutions



21 Dec 2020 - Submission to Planning NSW on the Review of the SEPP

20 Apr 2020 - Submission to the Consultation RIS: Process for the development of Performance Solutions



12 Dec 2019 - Submission to NSW Planning re Review of the SEPP (Educational Establishments and Child Care Facilities) 2017

01 Nov 2019 - Submission to NSW Minister re confusion over the use of ACECQA's Self-Assessment Tool for NSW A&R

01 Nov 2019 - Submission to NSW Minister re breaches and lack of transparency

11 Oct 2019 - Submission to Australian Building Codes Board re proposed fire safety changes for early childhood education centres

06 Oct 2019 - Submission to the Review of the Universal Access National Partnership

24 Sep 2019 - Submission to NSW Minister re Out-of-School-Hours 2021

30 Jun 2019 - Submission to the Review of the National Quality Framework (NQF) 

11 Jun 2019 - Request to ACECQA for same training to assessors for services for Assessment & Rating

11 Jun 2019 - Request to NSW Department of Education for same training to assessors for services for Assessment & Rating

11 Jun 2019 - Submission to NSW Minister re Expiry of Regulation 242 (Actively Working Toward)

04 Jun 2019 - Submission to the Federal Minister for Education re Childcare Oversupply

27 May 2019 - Submission to the Review of the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA)

11 Feb 2019 - Submission to the NSW Minister for Health re immunisation loophole



11 Dec 2018 - Occupancy and Performance Appraisal: Early Childhood Education and Care Sector (by Urban Economics)

17 Sep 2018 - ACA NSW Brief: Childcare Oversupply for Federal Government consideration

17 Sep 2018 - ACA NSW Brief: Childcare Oversupply for NSW State Government consideration

03 Apr 2018 - ACA NSW submission to the Senate Select Committee on Red Tape 

19 Mar 2018 - ACA NSW submission to the NSW Government - "Early Childhood Education in NSW: A Better Direction" 



25 Aug 2017 - ACA NSW submission to NSW Department of Education - Response to Proposed Mandatory Eligibility Criteria for OSHC

07 Apr 2017 - ACA NSW submission to NSW Planning - Draft State Environmental Planning Policy can create more childcare oversupply

03 Mar 2017 - ACA submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Omnibus Savings and Child Care Reform) Bill 2017

28 Feb 2017 - ACA NSW response to the NSW Public Health Act Review

23 Feb 2017 - ACA NSW submission to the NSW Department of Education about concerns over the Assessment & Rating system

23 Jan 2017 - ACA 2017/2018 Pre-Budget Submission to the Federal Government



ACA NSW Response to the Statutory Review of the NSW Public Health Act 2010 Discussion Paper

ACA NSW Response to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Education Evidence Base

ACA Federal Budget Submission

ACA Response to Quality of assessment in vocational education and training Discussion Paper

ACA Response to Senate Inquiry into the Provisions of the Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Jobs for Families Child Care Package) Bill 2015



ACA Response to Child Care Assistance Package Regulation Impact Statement

ACA Response to Interim Home Based Carer Subsidy Programme (Nanny Pilot Programme) Guidelines 

ACA Response to NQF Review Consultation Regulation Impact Statement 



ACA Response to Productivity Commission Draft Report into Childcare and Early Childhood Learning

ACA NSW Response to National Quality Framework Review

ACA Response to National Quality Framework Review

ACA NSW Response to Senate Inquiry into the Immediate Future of the Childcare Sector in Australia

ACA Response to Senate Inquiry into the Immediate Future of the Childcare Sector in Australia

ACA NSW Response to Senate Inquiry into the Delivery of Quality and Affordable Early Childhood Education and Care

ACA Response to Senate Inquiry into the Delivery of Quality and Affordable Early Childhood Education and Care

ACA NSW Response to Productivity Commission Inquiry into Childcare and Early Childhood Learning

ACA Response to Productivity Commission Inquiry into Childcare and Early Childhood Learning