Guild Insurance
Guild Early Learning

Sector Watch

The following are summaries extracted from documents received from the Federal Government and NSW Government under various means including the Freedom of Information Act and Government Information (Public Access) Act respectively.


 The number of applications to become Approved Providers versus the number of actual approvals:

AP approvals

 The number of Service Approval applications versus the number of actual approvals:

 Service Approvals 

 The number of breaches where educators were found NOT to have adequately supervised children in their care in accordance with Regulation 122 or Section 165 

reg 122 165


 The number of breaches/non-compliances that had financial penalties successfully applied:

2020 09 30 Infringements issued


  The number of services that had financial penalties successfully applied:

2020 09 30 Services with infringements


 The number of confirmed breaches for each type of service:

2020 09 30 Breaches by type


  The number of deaths of children aged 0-5 years old while at early childhood education and care services:



 The number of  waivers granted to services who have not been able to comply with Regulation 272:

reg 272 waivers

 The number of overseas-qualified Early Childhood Teachers approved by ACECQA:

ECTs at May 2021


 T he number of applications received by the NSW Department of Education for waivers for Regulation 108, as well as the number of approvals:

reg 108 waivers


 The number of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Authorised Officers employed to conduct assessment and ratings across New South Wales:

  FTE Assessors

 The number of children who enrol into kindergarten across New South Wales earlier than when required:

Early enrollers to july 2021  

 The number of waiver applications and waivers for Regulation 123 Educator to child ratios - Centre-based services:

reg 123


The number of Authorised Officer visits:

AO visits