Kindy Korner Children Services was delighted to receive the exceeding rating in our most recent Assessment & Rating. The John St service is a small 28 a day service based in the northern suburbs of Wollongong. We boast a dedicated team of educators who’s passion for early childhood is second to none. We are so proud to be affiliated with ACANSW who always offer such supreme support and guidance.


From 1983 Kindy Korner Children Services – John St has stood for quality; quality education, quality relationships and quality care. Our educators believe in quality and this underpins our practice daily.

Kindy Korner Children Services has been a family owned and run service since the early 80’s and although we have witnessed a great deal of change in the sector, what hasn’t changed is our commitment and devotion to early childhood education and care. We have and still believe that children are our future and we as educators are entrusted a magnificent honour in our role in children’s lives in the early years.

Educators at Kindy Korner believe that their interactions with children and their families to be an integral part of our service as we acknowledge that families are children’s first teachers and we at service level are to supplement the teachings being made at home and encourage family participation constantly.

Our children enjoy having a deep and meaningful connection with our local Community Garden and have an amazing awareness of environmental sustainability and being eco-friendly. They love our yoga programs and enjoy our ‘stretchy stories’.

Art is an enormous focus within our program and all children thrive on being able to express themselves through art and creative expression.

We are proud to partner with local school communities as our preschoolers benefit from these connections also.