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Australian Childcare Alliance

As the peak body of NSW's early childhood education and care sector, the Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW welcomed new entrants in our ever-growing early childhood education and care (aka childcare) sector!


Questions canvassed included:


  1. Where are the upcoming opportunities and challenges (including oversupply vs undersupply)?
  2. Will governments be taking new directions in the near future, including
    1. the 100+50 new/upgraded preschools on government and independent schools' grounds by March 2027?
    2. the $5.7b Childcare and Economic Opportunity Fund?
    3. the $5b universal preschool fund?
    4. the unions' application to increase educators'/teachers' pay by 25%?
  3. Will there be new funding arrangements for parents/services?
  4. What are the planning laws and local government processes?
  5. What are the emerging architectural designs? 

... and many more!


Co-presented with Bartier Perry Lawyers, Design Cubicle, HDC Planning & ACA NSW), it was held:


  • on Thursday, 4 April 2024
  • from 5.30 pm for 6 pm start
  • at Bartier Perry Lawyers, Level 25, 161 Castlereagh Street, Sydney CBD
  • COST is FREE (subject to availability)

banner 1x1 Lyn Connolly Lyn Connolly is herself an Approved Provider operating nine (9) early childhood education and care services for over 40 years. She is also the elected President of ACA NSW, the peak body for over 1,600 predominantly small-to-medium sized family-owned early childhood education and care services who employ over 25,000 employees and who educate and care for more than 125,000 children and their families. ACA and ACA NSW engage with all three tiers of governments and their agencies (including their Departments of Education, their Treasuries, PlanningNSW, NSW Department of Health, their Productivity Commissions, the ACCC and more.)

banner 1x1 Sharon Levy 
As the moderator of the evening, Sharon Levy is a Partner at Bartier Perry with more than 20 years of experience as a lawyer and with particular expertise in building and construction. Her clients include builders, developers, sub-contractors, owners corporations, high-nett-worth individuals and local councils. Sharon regularly appears at the District and Supreme Courts as well as the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT).


banner 1x1 David Loether

Dennis Loether is the head of Bartier Perry's Planning and Property team. His is an Environmental and Planning lawyer and has experience advising statutory authorities, local governments and private sector clients. With over 20 years of practice in environmental and planning law, he has acted for both public and private sector clients, which informs his strategic advice. He regularly appears in the NSW Land and Environment Court, including for Class 1 Development Consent appeals.


banner 1x1 Farah Georges

Farah Georges is a member of the BDA with full accreditation (#6006) as well as registered as a Design Practitioner with the NSW Department of Fair Trading. Farah started his career as a draftsman in some of the most prestigious firms in Sydney before opening his office, Design Effects, in 1990. Design Effects was one of most productive offices in NSW. After Design Effects, Farah moved to Skyton Development until 2005. He is now the director of DesignCubicle.

 banner 1x1 Gilbert Blandin de Chalain

Gilbert Blandin de Chalain is an environmental and planning professional with over 25 years of experience in planning and environmental management. He is the cofounder and Partner at Haskew de Chalain (t/a HDC Planning). Gilbert was previously Director at HUB Planning and Principal of B de C Environmental. He has worked in local and state governments and has been in private practice as a town planner since 2004.