Guild Insurance
Guild Early Learning

2024 ACA NSW Suppliers' Sector Insight Evenings

Are you a supplier, software provider, producer, builder, architect, realtor, financier, business support provider, or one of the many inputs into the eco-system of what is early childhood education and care (ECEC)?

Would you like additional insights and understandings of what Australia's and NSW's ECEC services are facing? What are the upcoming Federal and NSW Governments' reforms, changes and future challenges and opportunities for Approved Providers, educators, teachers, children and families?


ACA NSW hosts two Suppliers' Sector Insight evenings each year providing our Supplier Members with greater understanding, clarification and identification of potential solutions. ACA NSW also continues to be available to assist our Supplier Members to have more effective and relevant offerings and supports to ECEC services.

Upcoming topics (not in any particular order) for discussion include:


  • the proposed Federal Government subsidies to achieve 10%-15% wage increases - who are eligible, what are the restrictions, how will it work;
  • the future of skilled labour supply - what are the governments', sector's and ACA NSW's plans to address labour shortages as well as changes to industrial/workplace laws;
  • the new and upcoming legislative demands on ECEC services - what are these new and upcoming laws, how will they impact on services;
  • the governments' plans for expanding supply of services and places - what are the announced and potential plans of governments and how will they impact on existing and future ECEC services;
  • the debate over quality vs regulatory compliance/burden - what are the sector's emerging views and will there be reform; and
  • the anticipated regulatory responses to emerging challenges - what could governments' new laws and regulations be for data storage of personal information, child safety protections, cybersecurity threats and use of artificial intelligence; and
  • the future evolution of ECEC - how will the benefits of ECEC be articulated in the future, what are the future convergences with and solutions for children’s health, development and social supports.

You will also learn about the opportunities and challenges facing ECEC services, including:


  • the plans for universal childcare;
  • the $5.7b Childcare and Economic Opportunity Fund; and 
  • cost of living for educators and teachers.
Please note that our Suppliers' Sector Insight evenings will always include an update on the upcoming series of ACA NSW-led events that can enable you to engage with the decision-makers of early childhood education and care services. Our list of events include ACA NSW's:

In 2024, the ACA NSW Supplier Sector Insight evenings will be held on:
  • Thursday, 23 May 2024 (DONE); and
  • Thursday, 17 October 2024.

ACA NSW's Suppliers' Sector Insight evenings' format will be:

  • 4.00 pm for 4.30 pm start - Welcome drinks and informal discussions
  • 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm - Presentation and discussion
  • 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm - Dinner and social

Attendees will enjoy meeting and discussing with ACA NSW senior representatives and fellow suppliers.


ACA NSW's Supplier Members attend for free (subject to availability of tickets). There will be no access for non-members


If interested, please e-mail ACA NSW's Relationships & Member Success Officer (Deniz Selbes) via or 1300 556 330 or 0403 118 555. 

  • Chiang's presentation at the ACA NSW Sector Insights Dinner was truly insightful and relevant. The ability to connect with exceptional organizations added an invaluable dimension to an already enriching evening.
    Marcel Rahme
    HESTA (16 MAY 2023)
  • So pleased to be able to attend the ACA SSI Evening. We got some fantastic insights into what's going on in the sector as well as some knowledgeable predictions. This, along with making great connections with some of the other suppliers, has given us a boost in alternative ideas for growing our business. Looking forward to the next one!
    Ciara Maguire
    ARMOUT IT (15 MAY 2023)
  • We would like to thank you for inviting us for such a great event. It was very informative and very well organised. It was hosted at a lovely location, with great food and was the perfect opportunity for us to meet and network with other suppliers in our industry.
    Joanne Oakman
    SAVE OUR SERVICE (15 MAY 2023)
  • ACA NSW is a critical partner for our clients and us, and a trusted advocate of the Childcare sector. We know them to always stand at the forefront of ethical conduct, heralding the way forward.
    Will Merdy
    ACCRU (17 MAY 2023)