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Australian Childcare Alliance




Member Classic

The approved provider of one or more licensed, privately owned centre-based early childhood education and care service/s.

NOTE: Only Member Classic and Member Plus members have voting rights at ACA NSW Annual General Meetings and can stand for a position or role as an Office-Bearer of ACA NSW.


inc GST

Member Associate

Any person other than an approved provider who resides in NSW and has an interest in early childhood education and care, including (but not limited to) students; educators; or persons engaged in the establishment of an early childhood education and care service which has not yet been granted a service approval.


inc GST

Member Plus

The approved provider of one or more licensed, privately owned centre-based early childhood education and care service/s

NOTE: Only Member Classic and Member Plus members have voting rights at ACA NSW Annual General Meetings and can stand for a position or role as an Office-Bearer of ACA NSW.


inc GST

Fair Work Commission/Legal Defence Fund Levy
In accordance to the constitution, and by decision of the ACA NSW Executive Committee in September 2018, all financial members are to be levied $100.00 per year for 3 years to this dedicated fund to pay for our legal defence to be unions' applications to increase educators and teachers pay by up to 72% and 59% respectively. 
no GST

Member Supplier

Organisations/Businesses providing products and services for the early childhood sector.


inc GST

The Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW values the contributions of its Supplier Members. Our members appreciate the benefits of their goods and/or services Supplier Members provide and the preferential treatment often offered to ACA NSW members.

Click Here, for more information on Supplier Membership!

Download the 2024/2025 ACA NSW Membership Application Form here.

Advocacy & Lobbying: The Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW takes a proactive role in policy matters as well as public and political advocacy. We have made and presented submissions to the Federal and NSW Parliaments and Governments, ACCC, Productivity Commission, Fair Work Commission on sector matters, and collaborate with other peak bodies where the impact of government proposals would have an overall adverse effect on our members and the early childhood education sector.

Industrial Representation: The ACA NSW is the only organisation that NSW centre-based Approved Providers can become a member of that will represent centre-based Approved Providers in the Fair Work Commission (FWC). While we all would all love to pay our wonderful educators more money, we all know that the parents would not be able to afford the fees necessary to cover the cost of huge pay rises. Currently, unions have applied to the FWC for pay increases in the order of 39%-72% for your educators. If your business would not be able to sustain pay rises of this magnitude, join ACA NSW now.

Member Support: Whether it is for regulatory or legislative interpretation/advice, government programme information/clarification, staff issues, policy development, assessment & rating, general business advice, or dispute resolution, ACA NSW’s Member Support Officers and staff have years of practical experience to share.

Modern Awards & Wage Rates: ACA NSW’s Member Support Officers can assist members with information/clarification relating to the sector’s Modern Awards as well as current wage rates as deemed by the Fair Work Commission.

Free Legal & Industrial Advice: Should ACA NSW’s Member Support Officers and staff need to provide specialist advice, members can access up to 15 minutes free legal advice as well as up to 45 minutes free industrial relations advice, with discounted rates applying thereafter.

Industry Publications: ACA NSW Members receive Nurture Nook and the Belonging magazines, respectively containing sector information and insights that cover early childhood education development, sector issues, future business forecasts, and special/relevant supplier-related offerings.

Policy Templates: ACA NSW members can access the templates to all mandatory policies in order to achieve minimum compliance with Regulation 168. These policy templates are updated regularly to ensure they are best-of-class and reflect any changes made to relevant legislation and/or regulations.

Members-Only Access: ACA NSW Members are each issued their unique usernames and passwords so that they can access Members-Only information on ACA NSW’s website.

Email & SMS Broadcasts: ACA NSW Members receive regular e-mail broadcasts including The Weekly Update, From the President and Member Alerts. Members will also receive Red Alerts by e-mail and SMS only when issues arise that are urgent and important for immediate attention.

Network Meeting: ACA NSW conducts a minimum of 16 Network Meetings per year where members are briefed on pressing issues of the day and forums for discussion are held. Network Meetings are also held on-line in interactive webinar format particularly for regional/rural members as well as those unable to attend the face-to-face meetings.

Discounted Training & Events: ACA NSW members are offered discounts to its organised professional development sessions and events. These include to key events including Early Childhood Education Week & Awards (formerly Childcare Week), NSW Annual Conference, Wheels on the Bus Tours, and New Owners as well as New Investors Briefing Nights. Members also receive discounts to ACA NSW’s Early Education and Care College training for Certificate III and Diploma qualifications.

Voting Rights: Under the ACA NSW Constitution, financial members under Member Classic and Member Plus have voting rights at Annual General Meetings, Special General Meetings and General Meetings, as requested by the ACA NSW Executive Committee.

Additional Policies, Forms, Documents: In addition to the Regulation 168 policy templates, ACA NSW’s Member Plus offers access to over 150 template policies, agreements, HR forms and checklists that can be useful to their childcare service(s). These templates are updated and expanded by specialists, and reflect any changes to legislation and/or regulations. [Member Plus Only.]


After reviewing the membership fees to determine your membership category, please complete the Membership Application Form, then e-mail, fax or mail it to us.


Fax:1300 557 228
Mail: PO Box 660, PARRAMATTA, NSW, 2124


Download the 2024/2025 ACA NSW Membership Application Form here.