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Australian Childcare Alliance

2024 ACA NSW Hub Huddles

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For 2024, ACA NSW will host Hub Huddles in-person at NSW’s regional centres (ie Coffs Harbour, Newcastle, Central Coast and Wollongong).

Over Friday night dinner, the revamped ACA NSW Hub Huddles will ensure will ensure delicious food and refreshing drinks are matched with re-inspiring the inner souls and minds of Approved Providers!


And unlike boring and rigid meetings, meaningful and lively discussions and exchanges about our sector's challenges, solutions, successes as well as concerns are anticipated. 


Please note that this feature will be free for ACA NSW members. Attendance of non-members is at a nominal fee to cover food and drinks.

Members and non-members can ask and discuss anything, including the following topics, at ACA NSW Hub Huddles: 


  • Update on worsening labour shortages and (potential) solutions
  • NSW Government's 100+50 new+upgraded preschools on school grounds
  • Federal Government’s Supported Bargaining Process (ie unions' push for 25% pay increase)
  • Fair Work Commission's annual wage increase predictions
  • Commonwealth's Productivity Commission Inquiry into Child Care
  • ACCC’s Childcare Inquiry
  • ACECQA’s Review of Child Safety Arrangements’ 16 Recommendation
  • REMINDER: Start Strong 2024 funding, Affordable Preschool funding & 3-Year-Old Trial funding
  • REMINDER: New Food Safety requirements deferred to 8 December 2024
  • … and more


Who will normally be presenting:

  • Chiang Lim, CEO, Australian Childcare Alliance NSW
  • Potential guest(s)

Ticket Prices for ACA NSW Hub Huddles:

  • ACA NSW members - FREE
  • Non-members - $60 inc GST per person

Scheduled Hub Huddles:

  1. Coffs Harbour -  Friday, 17 May 2024 (REGISTER HERE)
  2. Central Coast - Friday, 31 May 2024 (REGISTER HERE)
  3. Wollongong - Friday, 9 August 2024 (REGISTER HERE)
  4. Newcastle - Friday,  20 September 2024 (REGISTER HERE)