
What is International Day of Friendship?

International Day of Friendship is celebrated in many countries around the world which reminds us and recognises the importance of friendship as a noble and valuable sentiment in the lives of human beings around the world.

International Day of Friendship is a day to honor and celebrate our friends. Good friends can be one of the great joys in life and this is a great time to let your friends know how much they mean to you.

When is International Day of Friendship?

Friday, 30 July


  • Making a card for a friend
  • Encouraging children to play/eat with other peers in the room that they don't ususally play with
  • Reading storied about friends
  • Show and tell - Bring in a picture of family friends outside of care and share what their families do together
  • Arts and craft - Create a Garden of Friendship Flowers
  • Get the Scoop on Friendship! - Colour, cut and glue the pieces together to form the best ever friendship ice cream cone! Write down words that friend do for one another.
  • Discussing random acts of kindness - ways you can make people feel when a good gesture has been offered. 
  • Reading books about emotions and being kind to one another.

For further activity ideas, click on the following link: