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What does Random Acts of Kindness Day celebrate?

Random Acts of Kindness Day is all about bringing joy to others when they least expect it. The day falls on February 17th this year, and it's easy to join the movement to spread kindness in your community.

When is Random Acts of Kindness Day celebrated?

Friday, 17th February 

A Few Quotes of Kindness:

  • “Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” (Mark Twain)
  • “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” (Aesop)
  • “Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” (Scott Adams)
  • “Kind words and actions can seem so small, but their effects are truly endless.” (Author Unknown)

What do people do to celebrate?

Unique ways for you to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day:

• Let somebody go first.
• Help a friend with their work.
• Ask somebody who is by themselves to come and play.
• Let somebody go in front of you in a line.
• Bring flowers for a grown-up.
• Hold the door open for somebody.
• Give somebody a hug.
• Give some toys to a charity shop.
• Pick up litter.
• Make a new friend.
• Smile at people.
• Feed the birds in the garden.
• Give a compliment to someone.
• Send a postcard to a friend.

Activities – How to celebrate

 Group discussion regarding Random Acts of Kindness Day

  • Books regarding kindness and emotions
  • Role play kind gestures
  • Card making for someone who they haven’t spoken to in while
  • Playing with other friends in classroom
  • Having children interact with the younger/older groups

Random Acts of Kindness Day Posters:

For more Random Acts of Kindness Day Activities & Crafts for Kids click on the following link: