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ash wednesday

History of Ash Wednesday

The day of Ash Wednesday is not mentioned in the Bible, but it is in honor of events that occurred in the Bible. The 40 days of Lent are meant to signify the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert getting tempted by the devil. The dusting of Ashes is mentioned in the Bible as a sign of mourning and repentance. The cross drawn on the forehead symbolizes the cross that Jesus died on to cleanse the world of its sins.
It is believed that Ash Wednesday was first observed in the Middle Ages around the 8th century. It was first called the Day of Ashes. Since then the practice has become an annual ritual in many Christian churches including Catholics, Lutherans, and Methodists.

When is Ash Wednesday celebrated?

Wednesday, 22 February

Facts About Ash Wednesday

  • In the Middle Ages ashes were sprinkled on the head rather than drawn in a cross on the forehead.
  • Many people keep the ashes on their forehead for the entire day. It is a sign that they are sinners and need God's forgiveness.
  • Since observing Ash Wednesday is not commanded in the Bible, it is an optional in some Christian churches to observe it. This includes Lent as well.
  • The period of 40 days is often used in the Bible.

Activities – How to celebrate

  • Group discussion about Ash Wednesday
  • Discuss different religions and special events that they celebrate
  • Writing a kind gesture they can do for others at school or at home
  • Children sharing stories of special family occasions they celebrate.