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Guild Early Learning



What is International Left Handers Day?

International Left Handers Day is an international day observed annually on August 13 to celebrate the uniqueness and differences of the left handers.

When is International Left Handers Day?

Sunday, 13 August


  • Create your own lefty zone:
    • Cutting – using right-handed scissors in left hand is an excellent example of totally right-biased design that doesn’t work well.
    • Drawing a measured line with a ruler
    • Having the computer mouse on the left of the keyboard and try drawing a shape on screen, or clicking and dragging – we usually have to do this with our right hand as the mouse is shared, and always set up for right-handed users 
    • Pour from water jugs using your left hand
    • Eating & drinking – reverse cutlery and have drink in left hand
    • If you have left handed guitar, give lessons to the right-handers.
    • Practice recorder or other instruments with hands reversed (top and bottom)
    • Illustrate an image with your left hand or write your name
  • Group lesson - Children learning their left from their right (turn into a phycial activity where children need to listen and follow verbal instructions to turn left, right, forward and backwards) 
  • Infants room - Dance to the Hokey Pokey