
What is Australian Citizenship Day?

Australian Citizenship Day is celebrated each year. Managed by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Australian Citizenship Day is an opportunity for all Australian citizens, whether by birth or by choice, to reflect on the meaning and importance of their citizenship.

When is Australian Citizenship Day?

Sunday, 17 September 


  • Display a multicultural flag display outside your service
  • Inviting your parents or grandparents who have migrated from countries around the world to share their stories why they moved from their homeland to make Australia their home.
  • Group discussion of why 'Australian Citizenship Day' is a special day in our community.
  • Children bringing in an item from their home that they can share with their peers about their culture
  • Learning the Australian Anthem.
  • Having a multcultural feast for lunch for the children to experience different foods from around the world that our citizens would have learnt from back home.