

What is International Eat and Apple Day?

International Eat An Apple Day is celebrated on the Third Saturday of September. International Eat An Apple Day has its roots in thousands of cultural celebrations around the globe where the apple is honored.

When is International Eat and Apple Day?

Saturday, 16 September


  • Eat an apple! - Bring in an apple from home for morning tea.
  • Learning about how apples grow and how good they're for our bodies.
    • They’re full of fibre, which means they can help you have a healthy digestive system.
  • Learning fun facts about apples - Apples come from the same family as strawberries, roses, raspberries, pears, plums and apricots.
  • Cooking experience - Making an apple pie or apple crumble with the children for afternoon tea.
  • Planting an apple tree for the service to grow your own produce.
  • Implementing sliced apples to encourse the children to have after meals to clean their teeth.