
What is International Coffee Day?

International Coffee Day helps raise awareness about sustainable coffee cultivation and fair trade practices within the coffee industry. Before 2015 the day used to be celebrated on different dates in different countries.

Coffee is a drink made from the seeds or berries of the coffee plant. As a beverage, it has been enjoyed by people around the world for many centuries. Historians believe that coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia but was cultivated on a large scale and traded for the first time by the Arabs.

When is International Coffee Day?

Sunday, 1 October


  • Organise or pre-pay for coffee for your staff to get a coffee from the local cafe before or after work. 
  • Intentional Teaching Lesson - learn about the art and science of growing and brewing coffee. 
  • Set up the role play area as a cafe for all ages to share their experience and role play going to a cafe with their families and meeting up with their family friends. 
  • Learning about which beverages have caffeine in them and which beverages are good and bad for us.