A workplace that is mentally healthy is just as important as a physically safe work environment.  Workplace stress can occur when someone feels that the demands of their role is greater than their ability to do the work.  Excessive or long-term stress can increase the risk of developing mental health conditions such as anxiety and/or depression.


A TNS research project conducted for Beyond Blue, “State of Mental Health in the Workplace in Australia” highlights that 91% believe mental health in the workplace is important (88% believe physical safety is important), but, only 52% of employees believe their workplace is mentally healthy compared to 76% for physical safety.

A healthy workplace promotes mental health and wellbeing and can enhance the performance of all employees and the success of the business.  Some key areas of focus to create a mentally healthy workplace may include:

  • Education and awareness for all staff to prioritise mental health and understanding;
  • Creating a positive and respectful workplace culture;
  • Open and honest leadership and communications to provide employees a sense of purpose in the business;
  • Management of roles and responsibilities to suit the particular skills and abilities of employees;
  • Workload management ensuring stress on mental health is minimised;
  • Employee development programs to allow open feedback and discussion on performance; goal setting and rewards;
  • Inclusion and input on business strategies;
  • Work/life balance allowing flexible arrangements for employees to meet the demands of work and family/personal life;
  • Provision of mental health support so employees know where they can go to for help;
  • Changes to the physical working environment such as natural light; plants and social meeting areas.


Outside of our workplace, we can all take charge of our own wellbeing.  Sunshine is therapeutic! Exercise is great – it doesn’t have to be strenuous, anything that raises heart rate, is a great way to give your brain a boost.  Good nutrition and good sleep are also beneficial for mental health.

Contact AFS Group today via email training@afsgroup.net.au or call 1300 660 164 to discuss our Mental Health Awareness training.


Stay safe and well from all the team at AFS Group
