Daylight Saving Time Ends

What is Daylight Savings?

Daylight Saving began on Sunday 1 October 2023, and ends on Sunday 7 April 2024. Daylight saving is the practice of advancing clocks during warmer months so darkness falls at a later clock time. 

When does Daylight Saving time end?

Sunday, 7 April


  • Group Time: Discuss what daylight savings is
  • Group time: learn about time and how to read a clock
  • Discuss the four seasons and what to expect during the four seasons
  • Discuss different times of clocks and where we can find clocks 
  • Outdoor play: Take advantage of the daylight by engaging children in outdoor activities.
  • Art and craft: Create a clock using a paper plate and pipe cleaners
  • Pyjama party: Celebrate extra hour of sleep by having a pyjama party or movie day
  • Use time change as a reminder to replace batteries in clocks or smoke detectors and involve children