October 10th, 2024
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What is International Volunteer Day?
International volunteer day is held annually, celebrating the efforts of volunteers worldwide. It honours their contributions to communities and inspires others to make a positive difference in the world through voluntary action.
When is International Volunteer Day?
Thursday, December 5
- Thank You Cards: Encourage children to create thank you cards for volunteers who contribute their time and efforts to the childcare centre or other community organisations.
- Clean-Up: Organise a clean-up activity where children and staff work together to pick up litter, plant trees, or beautify a local park or playground.
- Story Time: Read books about volunteering, kindness, and community service to inspire children and spark conversations about how they can make a difference in the world.
- Volunteer Role-Playing: Set up a role-playing station where children can pretend to be volunteers in different community service scenarios.