October 10th, 2024
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What is National Child Protection Week?
National Child Protection Week is an annual campaign dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of protecting children from abuse and neglect. Through events and workshops, Australians become educated on child safety and positive parenting practices.
When is National Child Protection Week?
Sunday, September 1 - 7
- Role-Playing Scenarios: Role-play different safety scenarios with the children, such as what to do if a stranger approach them, how to say no to unwanted touches, or how to ask for help if they feel scared or uncomfortable. Practice assertive communication and reinforce the importance of trusting their instincts.
- Safety Rules Poster: Have children create a safety rules poster together. Brainstorm and list safety rules for various settings, such as at home, school, or in the community. Encourage creativity by decorating the poster with drawings and colourful designs.
- Learn a Safety Song which incorporates key messages about staying safe and seeking help
- My Body, My Boundaries Activity: Teach children about personal boundaries and consent through interactive activities. Use worksheets or colouring pages that depict different body parts and discuss which parts are private and should not be touched without permission. Empower children to assertively communicate their boundaries.