CLARIFIED: Where must Evacuation Diagrams be displayed

Firstly, the Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW wants to thank the NSW Department of Education for clarifying its interpretation of Regulation 97(4), in particular where the emergency and evacuation floor plan and instructions are to be displayed at the service.

In the past, a number of NSW Authorised Officers have been known to insist that such diagrams be displayed at every door within the service. And if such diagrams were not displayed, a breach/non-compliance to Regulation 97(4) would be issued and a possible fine of up to $2,000.

The NSW Department of Education's Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate (ECECD) has aligned its interpretation of Regulation 97(4) to that of Australian Standard AS 3745:2010 - Planning for emergencies in facilities

In short, evacuation diagrams must be displayed at all doors where children, parents, guardians, visitors and staff enter and exist the service.

Should members require any further information/clarification, please contact ACA NSW on 1300 556 330 or