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The Australian, state and territory education Ministers agreed to changes to the National Quality Framework (NQF).

Changes to the law and regulations were introduced on 1 October 2017 (except in Western Australia) to ensure quality education and care in Australia continues to improve under the NQF in the most efficient and effective way.

Legislative changes:

  • 1 October 2017 – National Law and Regulations changes commenced in all states and territories, except Western Australia. In Western Australia changes will commence by 1 October 2018 to allow for the legislation to pass through that parliament.
  • 1 February 2018 – Revised National Quality Standard (NQS) commences in all states and territories, including Western Australia.


 ACECQA Guide to NQF cover page


Changes to the National Quality Framework – Frequently Asked Questions

 What are the changes and how will they affect me?

Changes to the National Quality Framework (NQF) were made following consultation with the sector as part of a broader review of the NQF.

Key changes include:

  • A revised National Quality Standard (NQS) to strengthen quality through greater clarity by removing conceptual overlap between elements and standards, clarifying language and reducing the number of standards and elements from 18 standards to 15, and 58 to 40 elements.
  • Improved oversight and support within Family Day Care to achieve better compliance and quality across the whole sector.
  • Removing supervisor certificate requirements so service providers have more autonomy in deciding who can be the responsible person in each service, and to reduce red tape.
  • Introduction of a national educator to child ratio of 1:15 for services providing education and care to school age children. Transitional arrangements and saving provisions apply in some states and territories.

Why was a review of the National Partnership Agreement conducted?

Ministers agreed to changes to the National Quality Framework (NQF) following a review of the National Partnership Agreement on the National Quality Agenda for Early Childhood Education and Care.

The review found the NQF is an important and successful reform with strong stakeholder support, and some technical and operational improvements are required after five years of operation.

Decisions were made following consultation, and the Australian Government and state and territory governments thank the education and care sector, families and community for their feedback and commitment to improving and strengthening the NQF.

Find out more

When do the changes come into effect?

After passage through the Victorian Parliament, legislative changes will come into effect:

  • 1 October 2017 – National Law and Regulations changes commenced in all states and territories, except Western Australia. In Western Australia changes will commence by 1 October 2018 to allow for the legislation to pass through that parliament.
  • 1 February 2018 – Revised National Quality Standard commences in all states and territories, including Western Australia.

Some transitional and savings provisions apply, for example a 12 month transitional period will apply to NSW outside school hours care services to allow the sector time to prepare for the introduction of a 1:15 educator to child ratio. Visit your regulatory authority website for state and territory specific requirements.

How can I stay informed about the changes?

The best way to stay up to date is to subscribe to the ACECQA email newsletter and check the Changes to the NQF page and regulatory authority website.

What support and guidance is available?

All governments and ACECQA are committed to supporting the sector to understand and prepare for these changes. A new Guide to the NQF provides up-to-date information on applications and approvals, the National Quality Standard (NQS) and operational requirements. There’s also a series of information sheets and resources available covering:

  • responsible person requirements
  • notifications, incidents and complaints
  • how to transition to the revised NQS
  • documenting programs for school age children
  • requirements for family day care educators and providers
  • new guidance on determining Exceeding NQS for standards and more.

Visit the ACECQA website for a summary of key changes and sign up to the ACECQA newsletter to stay informed. 

Our service hasn’t been rated yet; does this mean we won’t until the changes come into effect?

State and territory regulatory authorities will continue assessing and rating services up to and following the revised NQS starting in February 2018. Please contact your regulatory authority if you have any queries.

What happens if our assessment and rating visit takes place before 1 February 2018?

If a quality assessment visit takes place before 1 February 2018, the full assessment and rating process will be completed against the current NQS. Governments acknowledge it is likely that some assessments completed prior to 1 February 2018, with rating conducted against the current NQS, may be issued after 1 February 2018.

Download the Transitioning to the revised National Quality Standard  fact sheet for more information.

What happens if our assessment and rating visit takes place after 1 February 2018?

If a quality assessment visit takes place after 1 February 2018, it will be conducted against the revised NQS.

Download the Transitioning to the revised National Quality Standard  fact sheet for more information.

Do we need to do another Quality Improvement Plan?

In the lead up to 1 February 2018 you should consider how your Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) fits with the revised NQS and start to make any updates that are necessary.

The QIP is requested by the regulatory authority as part of the assessment and rating process and is taken into account in determining rating levels.

If your quality rating visit will occur before 1 February 2018, you can provide the regulatory authority with a QIP that reflects the current NQS.

If your quality rating visit will occur on or after 1 February 2018, you should provide the regulatory authority with a QIP that reflects the revised NQS.

If your next quality rating is scheduled immediately before or following 1 February 2018, you may wish to contact your regulatory authority to confirm their requirements.