We realise how difficult it can be piecing together all of the information that comes your way in relation to the new Child Care Subsidy.

That's why we've created a really simple checklist for early learning services, that includes your operational requirements as well as tools to help educate your families. 

In summary, you will need to cover off on the following items:
(Just click on each item for detailed guidance)


  1. ACA NSW Childcare Fee Calculator (for ACA NSW Members Only)
  2. the Flexible Affordable Modelling Tool (for ACA NSW Members Only)
  3. the Fast-Track-Webinar - Child Care Subsidy Presentation Slides (for ACA NSW Members Only)
  4. the Child Care Subsidy Calculator for Families


  1. IT infrastructure and (possibly) automated sign in
  2. Possibly establish new session types and fee structures 
  3. Complete the provider transition process with relevant government departments
  4. Link your key personnel in PRODA
  5. Having trouble with your "Child Care Software Activation Code" in PRODA?
  6. Set up your Complying Written Arrangements (CWAs) with existing and new families
  7. Check the enrolment status of your families
  8. Ensure key personnel are trained in CCS requirements to support families in their transition


  1. Help families understand the "hourly rate" to estimate their level of subsidised care 
  2. Make sure your families have updated their details correctly in MyGov to maximise their level of subsidised care
  3. Advise families of any changes to fee structure / daily fee
  4. Consider arrangements for any current Special Child Care Benefit (SCCB) family as a potential transition to Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS)

The Australian Childcare Alliance has also produced a blog article to help existing and new families in adopting to the new system and making sure they are registered correctly, including their completion of the activity test. We encourage you to share this article with your families: FAMILIES: Make sure you’re ready for the new Child Care Subsidy