Please encourage your grandparents as principal carers to update their details.


As you'd be well aware, the new Child Care Subsidy took effect on Monday, 2 July 2018. We understand the difficult journey this transition has been for the entire early learning sector. We hope that all of the hard work has now been done and that this week the transition has been relatively stress-free for your service and your families.

The Federal Department of Education and Training (DET) has reported that more than one million families have completed their call to action in myGov, which is a great outcome.

Those families that have not yet to registered for the new Child Care Subsidy should do this as soon as possible by following our simple checklist here.  Families can also read our simple guidance on how to access their Child Care Subsidy Assessment Letter here

Meanwhile the Department is now asking early learning service providers to focus on grandparents who are principal carers with children in their services.

Service providers are asked to encourage them to update their details and/or complete their call to action:

  • online though their myGov account
  • over the phone, by calling Centrelink on 136 150
  • in person, by visiting their nearest Centrelink office.

This group may also be eligible for the Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) if they reeive income support and are the principal carer of their grandchildren.

Grandparents eligible for the ACCS are encouraged to apply directly to Centrelink for the ACCS (grandparent) and will need to provide evidence.

On a broader note, we have produced a handy online list of government resources, which we encourage you to bookmark for each access to these key items. 

If you're having teething problems or need some guidance about the transition to the new CCS, please contact ACA NSW on 1300 556 330 or