The Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) will be engaging the Federal Government and the Federal Department of Education and Training again about their Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS).

ACA NSW and its state peers have had to deal with (for example):

  • the overall complexity and lack of flexibility of the CCS and ACCS for services and parents (including enrolments and data provision of entitlements);
  • the administrative burdens of the activity tests and on both parents;
  • the limitations of CCS funding for households on incomes between $0 and $66,958 (FY2018/2019);
  • the capabilities of the "approved" software providers;
  • the at-times inconsistent decisions of Centrelink;
  • the difficulties with 36-hour CCS funding for children in the Year-Before-School and the 2-week absences before and after 2 July 2018;
  • payment of CCS to parents instead of services; and
  • the impending consequences of sign-in/sign-out data from 1 January 2019.

As such, ACA NSW members are being asked to provide their experiences/issues/problems with CCS and/or ACCS that ACA can use to have them fixed.

Please provide your information below:

Published: 20 September 2018