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Australian Childcare Alliance

The Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW is proud to announce the new 2018/2019 Executive Committee following its 2018 Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday evening, 21 November 2018.

Lyn Connolly

The new members of the 2018/2019 ACA NSW Executive Committee are:

  1. Lyn Connolly, NSW President
  2. Nicole Upfold, NSW Vice-President
  3. Mark Wharton, NSW Treasurer
  4. Eleni Wilson, NSW Secretary
  5. Donus Demir
  6. Renae Donovan
  7. Lienna Mandic
  8. Rita Totino
  9. Joan Stone
  10. Karthika Viknarasah
  11. Julie White

ACA NSW thanks Phillip Malek, Rebecca Moran and Merran Toth for their invaluable service during 2017/2018.