The Australian Childcare Alliance is starting to get things moving for this year's Early Childhood Educators' Day, and we very much appreciate that this year has been an incredibly difficult period for you as a service provider, for your team of early childhood educators and also for your families.

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This year Early Childhood Educators' Day provides a very timely opportunity to say thank you to our early childhood educators for their professionalism and adaptability during such challenging and ever-changing circumstances in the COVID-19 climate.


A promotional video for 2019 Early Childhood Educators' Day

We are therefore inviting:

We will select a number of these videos for inclusion in our 2020 "How are you going to say thank you?" video.

We would greatly appreciate it if you could share this request with your families through your regular communications channels, including the instructions document for families as an attachment. We have also included this information in various posts on the Early Childhood Educators' Day Facebook page, which you may like to share with your families.

Please email your short videos to us at, noting that the delivery deadline is 11.59 pm on Friday, 12 June 2020.

For your information: Further down the track, we will also invite service providers and their families to film a short "thank you message", listing the reasons why they appreciate their early childhood educators. However this current request does not need that level of detail - this will be short, catchy video which simply asks "How are you going to say thank you?" in the lead up to the day.

We thank you for your wonderful support in making this year's Early Childhood Educators' Day the most special ever, and we look forward to seeing your wonderful videos!