Members of the Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW would be aware that ACA NSW is currently engaging with the NSW Department of Education to help improve the Self-Assessment Tool process and the underlying Assessment and Rating process for NSW-based early childhood education and care services. This work is anticipated to conclude by September 2020.

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In the meantime, it became obvious that ACA NSW is in need of the expertise of out-of-school-hours-care (OSHC) services who are ACA NSW members to help ACA NSW do the abovementioned.

To that end, the ACA NSW Executive Committee has agreed to call for volunteers to a specific Assessment & Rating for OSHC Sub-Committee.

Volunteering would involve about participating in discussions of no more than an hour a month, and be available to ACA NSW personnel from time-to-time.

Interested members can register via the form below.

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