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socail justice

What is World Day of Social Justice?

World Day of Social Justice a global observance to raise your voice and awareness for social justice in our main issues we face to day such as; proverty, equality, exclusion, unemployment, human rights and social prections.

The theme of World Day of Social Justice in the following line:

Overcoming Barriers and Unleashing Opportunities for Social Justice


When is World Day of Social Justice?

Monday, 20 February
  • Learning and discussing feelings - Welcoming children to discuss what makes them happy and sad. Raising different scenarios such as right and not appropriate behaviour i.e. excluding a child from playing with a group (May consider to read Our Community Garden by Barbara Pollak). For younger children, you can use visuals of different emotions and reading stories about feelings. 
  • Learning about different communities around the world and how some are less fotunate to acces health, well-being, privileges and opportunies in life.
  • Centre project - Asking families, neighbours and around the community to join in donating essentials and foods to less less unfortunate and homeless in your community. 
  • Preschool room - sponsor a child in a less unfortunate country and the children can communicate to the child through mail and make a different to another child life.