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What is World Refugee Day?

World Refugee Day is a day that is recognised to honour and celebrate the bravery and courage of refugees who have has to make the choice to leave their homes to protect themselves and their families from war, danger and bodily harm. There are many refugees across the world who are still facing these trategies each day and making these life changings decisons to protect their families and provide a better lifestyle and safer lifestyle. 

When is World Refugee Day?

Tuesday, 20 June


  • Group discussion with the children to allow them to express their interpretation of a refugee - (How to talk to kids about refugees -
  • Learning What does ‘refugee’ mean? How is being a refugee different from being a migrant?
  • Provide a morning tea or an event to honour refugees around the world and donate to relevant foundations to help the people who are most in need. 
  • What it’s Like to be Newly Settled in a new country - discuss how they would of felt and adjusted to their new living in different country and community and what they did to contribute to their community.