The Australian Childcare Alliance NSW is continually updating its vast library of policies and templates for members.


The following  23 policies that have been updated as of October 2019:

Regulation 168 related Policies

  1. Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisation. 
  2. Administration of First Aid
  3. Arrival and Departure
  4. Code of Conduct
  5. Child Safe Environment
  6. Determining Responsible Person
  7. Emergency and Evacuation Procedures
  8. Enrolment and Orientation
  9. Excursion
  10. Fees
  11. CCS Governance and Management
  12. Grievance and Complaints Management
  13. Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness
  14. Infectious Diseases
  15. Interactions and Relationships with Children
  16. Medical Conditions
  17. Nutrition/Food/Beverages/dietary
  18. Sleep and Rest
  19. Sun Protection
  20. Volunteer, Student and Visitor
  21. Water Safety
  22. Use and Storage of Dangerous Products and Maintenance Policy
  23. Supervision of Children Policy

ACA NSW Members can download these by clicking here or logging on the ACA NSW website and select Regulation 168 Policies and Templates under the Members only section.

 If you have requests for any particular policies to be updated please complete the "Policies, Procedures, Templates and Forms Request" form