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What is Universal Children’s Day?

Universal Children’s Day is celebrated each year in November. The purpose of Universal Children’s day is to improve child welfare worldwide, promote and celebrate children’s rights and promote togetherness and awareness amongst all children.

When is Universal Children’s Day?

Friday, 20 November


  • Hang a large piece of paper in a hallway and invite parents to write a short message for their child.
  • Organise a special breakfast for the children in your group and have them participate in many fun exciting activities.  
  • Welcome all the children to come join in a dance party.
  • Set up the day of free play for children to enjoy; free painting, having the choice of indoor and outdoor throughout the day, preparing a cooking experience and much more.
  • Ask each child to bring a small bag or box containing his favorite objects as well as pictures of his family members or other people who are dear to him/her.
  • Invite each child to prepare a poster using a different colours and handprints. Add a picture of each child to the poster as well as a few sentences describing their favorite games or toys, the name of their pet and their favorite colour, etc.
