Monday. 01 May, 2017 - Sunday. 07 May, 2017
Wednesday. 03 May, 2017
10:30 am

WEBINAR: Preparing for and being successful in Assessments & Ratings


Tips and tools to embracing and achieving higer Assessments & Ratings.

12:00 pm

You're now in charge! How to achieve success through others


This workshop will give participants skills, capabilities and an Action Plan to take away and immediately transfer the following learnings to their working roles.

2:00 pm

WEBINAR: Preparing for and being successful in Assessments & Ratings (2)


Tips and tools to embracing and achieving higer Assessments & Ratings.

Thursday. 04 May, 2017
8:30 am

Taking risk out of work - Protect yourself from danger and red tape!


This half day WHS Compliance & Risk Management workshop will give participants skills, capabilities and an Action Plan to take away and immediately transfer the following learnings to their working roles.