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Educator Spotlight: Joanna Edwin

JOANNA EDWIN- Certificate III Educator, First Steps Learningn Academy Revesby ELC, Revesby

What makes this person so amazing/talented as an educator?

There are moments in life where chance has you cross paths with incredible people. Our moment was in November 2020 when a shy, quietly spoken young lady attended our ELC Revesby Centre for an interview. Not even finished her HSC Joanna was already looking for the next step and investigating what she could achieve after high school. We were drawn to her beautiful personality, her drive and maturity. After 6 short months Joanna has officially graduated and achieved her Certificate III. A truly phenomenal achievement! We are so proud of how hard she worked and the effort she put in to complete your traineeship in record speed. Never missing an assignment due date and always achieving very high marks in her assessments, we are so proud of Joanna's results! Joanna is a much loved member of the team and contributes in every way possible. She is also very well known for her guitar playing skills. Not only does she engage the children in song, she loves engaging them in her music and creating memorable moments - just like this beautiful moment shared during NAIDOC week -

Nominated by:  Trisha Hastie, Approved Provider, First Steps Learning Academy, Revesby