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The Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW congratulates all winners of its 2018 Early Childhood Education Week (ECEW) and Awards!

The winners were announced at the 2018 ECEW Gala Awards Night held on Saturday, 27 October 2018, at the Shangri-La Hotel, The Rocks, Sydney.

The photos of the evening are available via our Facebook page.

Best ECEW Program - Regional Large Centre (40 places or more) 3 Bears Cottage EES (Coffs Harbour)
Best Program Highlighting the EYLF - Regional 3 Bears Cottage EES (Coffs Harbour)
The Power of Relationships with Children 3 Bears Cottage EES (Coffs Harbour)
Best Artwork illustrating Theme 'Engage, Learn, Play - Playing is Education' 3 Bears Cottage EES (Coffs Harbour)
Best Multicultural Program Albion Park Early Learning Centre - Macleay Place
Children are Confident and Involved Learners All Star Early Learners (Botany)
Encouraging Children's Learning & Development All Star Early Learners (Botany)
Children have a Strong Sense of Identity Alphabet Long Day Care College (Macksville)
Best Program Highlighting the National Quality Standards - Metropolitan Bambini Lilyfield
Communicating Ideas Through Play Bambini Lilyfield
Outstanding Participation throughout the Year Bela Babes (Artarmon)
Best ECEW Activity - Regional Branxton Preschool
Outstanding Contribution by an Individual Catherine Sansom, Explore and Develop - Lilyfield
Best Program for Children Learning Through Play Cherry Tree Early Learning Centre Sylvania
Children are Connected and Contribute to their World Clovel Early Learning Centre - Blacktown
Best ECEW Program - Metropolitan Small Centre (40 places or less) Clovel Early Learning Centre - Castle Hill
Best Program Involving Families Clovel Early Learning Centre - Granville/Merrylands
Incorporating Sustainability Practices Clovel Early Learning Centre - Ryde
Children have a Strong Sense of Wellbeing Fit Kidz Learning Centre - Dural North
Children are Effective Communicators Fletcher Montessori & Fletcher ELC (Fletcher)
Best Promotional Program Gumnut Kindergarten (Narrabeen)
Play and Transition to School Gumnut Kindergarten (Narrabeen)
Best Program Highlighting the National Quality Standards - Regional Kiddies Hut - Diamond Beach
Best ECEW Activity - Metropolitan Little Zak's Academy - Brookvale
Children Engage in Play-Based Education Little Zak's Academy - Epping 2
Best Photo illustrating Theme 'Engage, Learn, Play - Playing is Education' Little Zaks Academy - Sydney Olympic Park
Keeping Children Healthy & Safe Mt Pritchard Kindy & CCC
Families & Communities Uniting Oakville Preschool Learning Centre
Best Program Highlighting Inclusivity Practices Rainbow Station EEC (Casino)
Best Community Involvement Program The Cubbyhouse Preparatory School @ Lane Cove
Outstanding Contribution by a Team - Metropolitan The Cubbyhouse Preparatory School @ Lane Cove
Best ECEW Program - Metropolitan Large Centre (40 places or more) Toy Box Early Learning - Mascot
Best Program Highlighting the EYLF - Metropolitan Toy Box Early Learning - Mascot
Best Sustainability Program Umina Kids Club
The Physical Environment where Children Learn & Play Umina Kids Club
Outstanding Contribution by a Team - Regional Umina Kids Club
Inclusive Practice - Everyone is Welcome Willywagtails Kindergarten (Yamba)


ACA NSW also thanks its sponsors - Guild Insurance, Guild Early Learning, Early Education and Care College (powered by Kool Kids) and NOVA Employment! Without whom, the 2018 ECEW and Gala Awards Night could not have been possible.