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At the NSW Parliament House today (3 March 2020), the NSW Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning (the Hon Sarah Mitchell MLC) shared at Budget Estimates that the proposed new star ratings for NSW-based services will be A3 sized and has to be displayed in accordance with Regulation 173

NSW star rating 600x

Since 24 November 2019, the Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW has conveyed its concerns about the proposed new star ratings to the NSW Department of Education, especially when ACA NSW is adamant that assessments and ratings of NSW-based services have been conducted inconsistently and with an unnecessarily high level of subjectivity.

ACA NSW has since been and will continue to be in discussions with the NSW Department of Education with the view of addressing and resolving these issues. That said, the NSW Department of Education and Minister Mitchell is still expecting NSW-based services to display the new star ratings beginning 1 July 2020.