Guild Insurance
Guild Early Learning

The Inclusion Support Program (ISP) continued to operate during the COVID-19 period, supporting services to enrol children with additional needs.

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With the return to the CCS, the claiming process has returned to the pre-Relief Package arrangements.

  1. For care provided during the Relief Package (6 April 2020 to 12 July 2020), claims for the Inclusion Development Fund (IDF) subsidy are to be submitted as ‘non-face-to-face hours’ for all hours. This will allow claims to be processed without reference to attendance records in Child Care Subsidy System (CCSS).
  2. For care provided from 13 July 2020, claims for the IDF subsidy are to be submitted as ‘face-to-face hours’ and ‘allowable non-face-to-face hours’, which refers to attendance records in CCSS.

More information on the claim processes is available on the department’s website, or you can email the Inclusion Development Fund Manager.