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Australian Childcare Alliance

The Federal Minister for Education, the Hon Dan Tehan MP, has reported in his latest media release that the Australian Government's ECEC Relief Package has succeeded in preventing the collapse of our sector due to COVID-19, keeping 99 per cent of services open across Australia.

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This statement lines up with ACA's observation of our sector's survival, thanks to our regular feedback from our members. We certainly hope that the Transition measures in place have allowed services to get back on their feet again in the context of an extremely difficult year. 

That said, the circumstances for those service providers operating in Victoria are uniquely different, and we are extremely grateful that the Federal Government has acknowledged this situation and provided targeted support.

It is also important to note that the Federal Government has made a commitment to consider further targeted support mechanisms in other geographic areas across Australia, should they also experience a second wave and return to restrictions similar to those in Melbourne and Victoria.

Below is a quick summary of the arrangements post 27 September 2020 for all service providers other than those in Victoria:

  1. Transition Payments will end for all services (with the exception of Victorian service providers) as scheduled on 27 September 2020.
  2. The Employment Guarantee and fee freeze conditions will also end for all services outside Victoria on 27 September 2020.
  3. The relaxed activity test for families whose activity level has been impacted by COVID-19 will be extended to 4 April 2021.
  4. Services at risk of imminent closure, temporary or permanent, can continue to apply for support through the Community Child Care Fund Special Circumstances program.
  5. Restrictions will be lifted on all services outside of Victoria so that they can apply for JobKeeper Payments should their circumstances make them eligible.

It is with enormous pride that our sector has been able to support families through the most extreme circumstances this year. On that note, I would like to take this opportunity to commend all of our members on the astounding job you have done in working through the challenges of this difficult year and coming out the other side. 

Thank you again to every one of our members who provided feedback about their service's individual circumstances over the past eight or so months. Your feedback has greatly assisted ACA in being able to accurately report on the state of the sector, in a timely manner to government. 

ACA has commended the Federal Government for their ongoing support of our vital sector, which has been very much appreciated. 

Whilst ACA continues to engage with the Federal and State Governments as we navigate our way through this historical year, we truly hope that we won't need to call upon the government again for emergency support any time soon!