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Guild Early Learning

Worker Retention Payments, Supported Multi-Employer Bargaining Process ... and more!

The following are links from the Federal Government with respect to the proposed Worker Retention Payments:

Using the links below, ACA NSW members have access to:

  • the Individual Flexibility Arrangements (IFAs) templates for free; and
  • the alternate Multi-Employer Agreements template and process, with discounted legal fees.

Other useful links are as follows:

The following are links to the series of communications shared with ACA NSW Members on the Work Retention Payments and Supported Bargaining Process for the unions' push for 25% pay rise): 

  1. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): Looking to adopt the Multi-Employer Agreement? Here's how (including legal fees) (20 December 2024)

  2. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): Sample Worker Retention Payment agreement (2 December 2024)

  3. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): Revised 2x IFA templates due to changes to the Federal Department of Education's official Grant GuidelinesRates of pay for juniors, trainees and apprentices (2 December 2024)

  4. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): Video explaining the differences between the Multi-Employer Bargaining Agreement (MEBA) & the Individual Flexibility Arrangements (IFAs) | 2x IFA (updated) templates plus IFA user guide | 1x Multi-Employer Agreement (MEA) template (26 November 2024)

  5. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): Webinar on 25 November 2024 about pros & cons of Multi Employer Agreement (MEA) versus Individual Flexibility Arrangements (IFAs) (22 November 2024)

  6. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): Funding commitment from the Federal Government (18 November 2024)

  7. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): Multi-Employer Bargainig Agreement negotiations finalised (15 November 2024)

  8. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): Latest video update and explainer of Worker Retention Payments presented by ACA National President Paul Mondo (1 November 2024)

  9. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): President's Report | 2x Individual Flexibility Arrangement  (IFA) templates & user guide (31 October 2024)

  10. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): Is Employer Bargaining Done? Not yet, but the media is postulating (30 October 2024) - NOTE: (a) Includes invitation to video update and explainer of Worker Retention Payments to be held on 1 November 2024, (b) links to download the cost of pay rise calculator, (c) link to  download the spreadsheet to help compare your service with the Federal Department of Education's examples 

  11. ACA Members' concerns and views about Worker Retention Payment shared with Australian Senate Committee - video and transcript available (25 October 2024)

  12. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ECEC WORKER RETENTION PAYMENT: Second calculation tool for your use (24 October 2024)

  13. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): Update on ECEC Worker Retention Payment - Cost of Pay Rise Calculator & instructional video (22 October 2024)

  14. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): Update on ECEC Worker Retention Payment - Department of Education's webinar (replay video), slides, Guidelines, application preview form, GrantConnect link (16 October 2024)

  15. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ABLA (Industrial Lawyers) & ACA Video Explainer of Federal Government's Worker Retention Payments for 10%-15% wage increases (9 October 2024)

  16. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ECEC Worker Retention Payment Grant Application Process Now Open (8 October 2024)

  17. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): UNIONS CIRCULATING INFORMATION: Here's what you need to know & how to respond (4 October 2024)

  18. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): Explainer Video of Federal Government's 10%-15% wage increase proposal (12 August 2024) (plus templates for communications to employees about the proposed pay rise, Supported Bargaining Process and employees' union membership).

  19. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): Federal Government announces fully funded pay rise for our sector from Dec 2024 (8 August 2024)

  20. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ACA National President's Report (31 July 2024)

  21. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ACA National President's Report (28 May 2024)

  22. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): Video presentations (presented on 13 May 2024) by ACA's lead Industrial Lawyer and ACA National President on how the 25% pay rise could work as well as the unknowns

  23. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): Federal Government has committed to funded wage rise for our sector (13 May 2024)

  24. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ACA National President's Report April 2024

  25. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ACA National's INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS UPDATE: Keeping your team members informed (10 April 2024) (NOTE: 3-page handout for educators/teachers available)

  26. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): Explanation of who will pay for it - see the slide presentation from the most recent What's the Buzz Meeting here (5 April 2024)

  27. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ACA National President's Report March 2024

  28. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ACA National President's Report February 2024

  29. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ACA National President's Report January 2024

  30. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ACA National President's Report December 2023

  31. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ACA National President's Report November 2023

  32. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ACA National Update 14 November 2023: ACA joins forces with CELA, CCC & the UWU for productive talks with Federal Government

  33. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ACA Media Release 27 October 2023: ACA supports commencement of landmark negotiations for wage increases in early learning sector

  34. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ACA National President's Report October 2023

  35. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ACA National President's Report September 2023

  36. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ACA National Update 28 September 2023: Fair Work Commission has authorised the supported bargaining process

  37. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ACA National Update 14 September 2023: THIRD TRANCHE OF NEW IR LAWS: How are these likely to impact businesses?

  38. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ACA National President's Report August 2023​

  39. MEMBERS ONLY (Username+Password required): ACA National Update 10 August 2023: SUPPORTED BARGAINING PROCESS: ACA has submitted statement to FWC