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Australian Childcare Alliance

Katrina Leonardi, Communications

Katrina joined the Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) New South Wales in January 2019. She is officially ACA NSW’s Communications, Change & Catalyst Coordinator but she is so much more than meets the eye!

In her past life, Katrina was a lawyer for almost 15 years, involved in commercial litigation, debt recovery, corporate insolvency, property conveyancing, wills, probate and personal injury matters.  She fortunately brings this knowledge, those transferable skills, and her life experience to ACA NSW where they are put to use on a daily basis!

Katrina is one of the main conduits within the ACA NSW team, pulling everyone (even including its elected Executive Committee (ie board)) towards the agreed path forward. She is also a dab hand with freedom of information (FOI) and government information (public access) (GIPA) applications, our website, on-line broadcasts, surveys, research and report generations,  sector statistics, our Weekly newsletter, social media,  and scheduling, organising and promoting all our events.  
