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Australian Childcare Alliance

What made your individual team members decide to become early childhood educators?

As part of this year's celebrations for Early Childhood Educators' Day, we're in the process of making a special video featuring the voices of the most important people of all - the educators! 

This video will provide an opportunity for Australia to hear directly from some of our early childhood educators and gain insights into the amazing work they do, what makes their day special and why they have chosen to work in the early learning sector.

This special video will be aired during the week of Early Childhood Educators' Day

To help us create this video, we would greatly appreciate your support in encouraging your  team of staff to film one or more short videos of themselves talking to the camera about their important role.

In particular, we would like your educators to think about the following questions:

  • What made you decide to become an early childhood educator?
  • What inspires you the MOST about being an early childhood educator?
  • What is your favourite part of the day?
  • What do you like the MOST about working in a team?
  • Which parts of educating and caring for the children do you MOST enjoy?
  • Finally, how does Early Childhood Educators' Day make you feel?

Your educators can upload their videos here -

Please note: The deadline for submissions is Sunday 22nd August.
We're also giving away some fun prizes to some of the educators featured in the video, including 5 x personalised aprons from Cargo Crew & 2 x $100 Bunnings gift vouchers. Winners will be announced via the Early Childhood Educators' Day website.