CLARIFICATION: Size(s) of Evacuation Diagrams

Did you know that specific elements displayed on an evacuation diagram require different sized Evacuation Diagrams to be displayed within Early Childhood Education and Care services?

In NSW, the requirements for all things emergency and evacuation are contained in the Australian Standard AS3745:2010 - Planning for Emergencies.

Australian Compliance Management (ACM) has broken it down into the following:

Evacuation diagrams can be separated into the follow criteria:

If you choose to display only the ‘Minimum Elements’ within your diagram, you can use an A4 sized diagram to display the evacuation process. As stated in the AS3745:C2010 a summary of Minimum Elements includes the following:

  • A pictorial or representation of the floor or area
  • The title ‘Evacuation Diagram’
  • The ‘You are here’ location
  • The designated exits shall be green
  • Extinguishers which shall be red
  • Location of assembly areas, either stated in words or pictorially represented.
  • A legend to reflect symbols used

However, once you decide to display anyOptional Elements’ on the Evacuation Diagrams, you must display the diagram in A3 Size as per the AS3745:2010. Some of these Optional Elements that are generally displayed on the diagram include:

  • Direction of North
  • First Aid Kits
  • Emergency Telephone Numbers
  • Emergency Response Procedures
  • Any procedures for evacuating the building
  • The Path of Travel (How to get out)

All the above are and should be displayed on the Evacuation Diagrams within Early Childhood Education and Care services and consequently would mean that services require A3 Sized Evacuation Diagrams.

According to Regulation 97(4): “The approved provider of an education and care service must ensure that a copy of the emergency and evacuation floor plan and instructions are displayed in a prominent position near each exit at the education and care service premises.”

An exit is defined as being an exit to a place of safety outside the building, as stated in the Australian Standard. Emergency evacuation plans should be reviewed at least once every five years or when you have made a change to the layout of your service premises (eg, through renovations or additions). Make sure to update the validity date on the diagram after you have finished your review, even if you have made no changes to the diagram.

Thanks to the NSW Department of Education, this is now their practice, should any NSW Authorised Officer need to be prompted.

For further information on please contact ACA NSW office on 1300 556 330 or