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Upcoming & New Industrial Laws to "Close the Loopholes"

ACA NSW members will have heard about the "Closing the Loopholes" laws. Some have already been in since December 2023, while others are due on 1 July 2024 and after.

Of interest to ACA NSW members will be the following aspects of the new industrial laws of the Federal Government:

  • the small business redundancy exemption changes (commenced on 15 December 2023);
  • the union delegates' new workplace rights (commenced on 15 December 2023);
  • the union's new "Right of Entry" for suspected underpayments (commencing 1 July 2024)
  • the employees' new "right to disconnect" (commencing 26 August 2024*);
  • the new definitions of casual employment, employee and employer (commencing 26 August 2024*);
  • the new Same Job, Same Pay changes for labour hire workers (commencing 15 December 2024*); and
  • the new wages and super annuation theft offence and penalties  (commencing 1 January 2025*).

NOTE: * means the Federal Government could change the commencement date to be earlier.

With the assistance of the ACA National Committee, sector-specific information will be provided for all ACA states' members soon.

In the meantime, ACA NSW has provided some information via its regular ACA NSW What's The Buzz meetings for members-only. If you missed it, you can access the video-on-demand via the Past What's The Buzz (aka Network) Meetings or below

NOTE: You will need to use your ACA NSW username and password to access.

For any further information/clarification, members can contact the ACA NSW team via 1300 556 330 or