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Child Care Super is the super fund for the child care industry. Not only is the team at Child Care Super trusted by the industry you operate in, they are there to provide you with solutions that help you manage your superannuation as well as provide you with innovative ways to improve your employees’ financial wellbeing. With Child Care Super, you will have access to SUPERSUPER™, a first of its kind shop-and-save-super rewards program, that adds to your super every time you shop.

All the hard work is done for you so you can get on with managing your business.

• Access to SUPERSUPER™ - Earn free money with SUPERSUPER™. Child Care Super members can automatically receive super contributions through everyday shopping. Yes, shopping!
• Simple payment options to your employees’ chosen super funds using one payment with a no-cost clearing house
• Tools to help you meet your superannuation needs
• Regular updates to keep you informed
• Access to your own dedicated consultant with personalised help, including financial education for your employees which can help reduce your time on their super enquiries

How to shop your way to super savings from SUPERSUPER on Vimeo.