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What is National Science Week?

National Science Week is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology and thousands of individuals – from students, to scientists to chefs and musicians – get involved, taking part in more than 1000 science events across the nation.

Science Week is designed for everyone – it’s definitely not restricted to schools and universities – with events and activities and talks and shows for every age group.

It provides an opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of Australian scientists’ to the world of knowledge. It also aims to encourage an interest in science pursuits among the general public, and to encourage younger people to become fascinated by the world we live in.

A National Science Week event should:

  • be fun for the participants
  • be focused on quality science outcomes
  • be supportive of your science curriculum
  • encourage the participants to want to try more science
  • raise the general profile of science within the community

Please note: National Science Week events will be held online this year, and we will also share activity ideas for to do at home or at school.

When is National Science Week?

15 - 23 August 2020


  • Planning an incursion or zoom video where a presenter can demonstrate and teach the children about science and get them involved
  • Backyard Science - Weather Station
  • Experimenting with mixing primary colours
  • Volcano - contructing and gathering all the ingredients to observce a volcano errupt
  • Making lava lamps - mixing water with oil and adding food colouring into a bottle to watch what will happen
  • Make a water rainbow desity tower
  • Make an Eggshell Disappear (Chemistry) - Your children will learn all about the chemical reaction that occurs when you put an egg into vinegar and leave it overnight. This chemical reaction makes the egg shell disappear but will leave the rubbery membrane, keeping the egg intact.
  • Super Cool Lava Lamp Experiment for Kids
  • Rain Cloud in a Jar Science Experiment
  • Oil and Water Science Exploration

For further ideas for events and activities, please click on the following link: