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Australian Childcare Alliance

There are four types of membership with the Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) NSW:




Member Classic

The approved provider of one or more licensed, privately owned centre-based early childhood education and care service/s.

NOTE: Only Member Classic and Member Plus members have voting rights at ACA NSW Annual General Meetings and can stand for a position or role as an Office-Bearer of ACA NSW.

$462.00 inc GST

Member Associate

Any person other than an approved provider who resides in NSW and has an interest in early childhood education and care, including (but not limited to) students; educators; or persons engaged in the establishment of an early childhood education and care service which has not yet been granted a service approval.

$462.00 inc GST

Member Plus

The approved provider of one or more licensed, privately owned centre-based early childhood education and care service/s

NOTE: Only Member Classic and Member Plus members have voting rights at ACA NSW Annual General Meetings and can stand for a position or role as an Office-Bearer of ACA NSW.

$599.50 inc GST

Fair Work Commission/Legal Defence Fund Levy
In accordance to the constitution, and by decision of the ACA NSW Executive Committee in September 2018, all financial members are to be levied $100.00 per year for 3 years to this dedicated fund to pay for our legal defence to be unions' applications to increase educators and teachers pay by up to 72% and 59% respectively. 
$100.00 no GST

Member Supplier

Organisations/Businesses providing products and services for the early childhood sector.

$715.00 inc GST



How to Join

  • To join as a Member Classic, Member Associate, Member Plus, please download the 2019/2020 Membership Application Form.
  • If you have any questions regarding ACA NSW membership, please call us on 1300 556 330 or e-mail to
  • To discuss supplier membership and engagement opportunities, please contact our Business Manager on 1300 556 330 or e-mail to